Boost for Islamic commerce

Report on a new financing scheme which aims to stimulate trade within the Muslim world and which was approved by the Standing Committee for Economic and Commercial Co-operation (COMCEC) of the Organization of the Islamic Conference in April 1986. (DÜI-Asd)

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Fernleihe:Fernleihe für die Fachinformationsdienste
Published: International Communications Inc. 1986
In: The Middle East
Year: 1986, Issue: 145, Pages: 22
Further subjects:B International business
B Islam
B Islamic countries
B Domestic trade
B Islamische Länder / Islamische Welt Domestic trade Islam International business
Summary:Report on a new financing scheme which aims to stimulate trade within the Muslim world and which was approved by the Standing Committee for Economic and Commercial Co-operation (COMCEC) of the Organization of the Islamic Conference in April 1986. (DÜI-Asd)
Contains:In: The Middle East